Learn the basics of sudoku thanks to our course, lesson and become proficient in understanding Sudoku puzzles.
Learn the basics of Sudoku
Would you like to start in Sudoku and do not know the rules? This course will not explain to you what are the rules of Sudoku and will guide you step by step to achieve easy grids in all simplicity.
Learn the vocabulary used in Sudoku
This course aims to teach you the whole vocabulary used in Sudoku. It will help you to become familiar with the game environment and to improve more quickly.
The full house technique
The last digit technique is the easiest and fastest technique to understand and master.
The hidden singleton technique
The hidden singleton technique is a very challenging and fun technique to use. It consists in using elimination to guess the number of a cell.
Locked candidate technique type 1
The locked candidate type 1 technique is a technique of elimination, allowing you to logically determine which numbers can be eliminated.
The locked candidate technique type 2
The locked candidate technique (claims) is a technique of elimination that logically determines which numbers can be eliminated. It complements perfectly with the type 1 technique.
The Naked Pair Technique
The naked pair technique is a technique that says that if there are two cells in a house that have only two candidates, then we can eliminate those candidates from the other cells in the same house.
The Naked Triplets Technique
The naked triplets technique is a technique that says that if there are three cells in a house that have the same 3 candidates, you can eliminate those 3 candidates from all other cells in that house.
The Hidden Pair Technique
The hidden pair technique is a technique that says that if there are two cells in a house where there are two candidates that do not appear anywhere outside of those cells, those candidates must be placed in both cells.
The X-Wing Technique
The X-Wing technique is to look for four aligned cells that form an X, and that have the same candidate that does not appear anywhere else in the same row or column. This common candidate is called the fish figure.
The swordfish technique
The swordfish technique follows the same principle as the x wing, with the twist of having three basic sets rather than two.
The XY wing or Y wing technique
The XY wing technique is a technique that is often compared to the hooks of an eagle and its prey. The objective is to find the hook cells and proceed to eliminate the prey.